Women in Tech Accelerator





50% of women in tech are exiting by 35 years of age to other industries. If you are considering leaving, you’re staring down the barrel of starting from scratch. If you are considering staying, you’re wondering if your loyalty will be rewarded to move up the corporate ladder.

Shockingly, women move up the corporate ladder in 26 years vs. 17 for men - the system seems rigged! But, if you understand the game and play it well, you can rocket up the corporate ladder with intention, grace, and simplicity in the shortest time, with the fewest meteors possible.I’ve been where you are. I’ve done what you endeavor to do.

Ready to take control of your career and learn to rocket up the corporate ladder? Join the The Women In Tech Employee Accelerator!

In this accelerator you will learn how to:

  • Rocket up the corporate ladder with intentional, strategic navigation of the old boys’ club and the outdated HR system

  • Showcase your intelligence, experience and gumption to rocket forward the company’s profitability, innovation, and inclusion to stand out for promotions

  • Get those promotions by crafting how you come across, being a team player, and asking for your worth


12 weeks

Target Audience:

Female employees with 5+ years of tech experience.

Accelerator Dates:

October 3 - December 21, 2022, Mondays & Wednesdays 7:30-9 a.m. PST

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